Tuesday, November 9, 2010

*UPDATE* 9 Nov 10

Check out http://gossipgirlmusicxoxo.blogspot.com/ for music from Gossip Girl Season 4. :)

IMPORTANT NEWS. I will NOT be coming back for Season 4. From August onwards, I will be busy, and I don't think I will have the time to continue this. Sorry guys. It was fun while it lasted. :)


  1. I love all the music from the show, what a great idea for a blog xo

  2. nice blog.. interesting! -http://djtbiz27.blogspot.com

  3. any chance of getting download links with music from episeode 19,20 and 21? great blog :)

  4. Yes Rock_To_The_End, it's all on my blog. Please look for it. :)

  5. Is it just me, or are some of the songs for Southern Gentlemen Prefer Blondes not working?

    Anyway, thank you very much for doing this. The music on Gossip Girl is always phenomenal.

  6. Taylore, I have a similar problem. Any chance of getting it fixed? (for me, Xu Xu Fang's and The Kills' (instrumental) songs did not work.

  7. Taylore and Sara, those songs don't work on Itunes sorry. You'll have to convert it into another format for it to work :)

  8. do you know the song that plays during this promo? i couldn't find it under the promos post...

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH5ymvK8MMI

  10. I have to say I love your works so much.

    Thank you for doing these works.

  11. Sorry Little Lux, that song has been unknown since the promo came out. :)

  12. Hi!
    I can't see the link to download music from 3x07. It's just my problem or anything else
    Where is it? %)

    thanks 4 your work!)

  13. Hi angelskoe. The links are the names of the songs. :)

  14. Hi! Do you know the name of one song that was played in
    Season 2, Episode 12: It's a Wonderful Lie ?

  15. Hi liga.liepkalne, there were seven songs played in that episode. Which one are you talking about?

  16. sorry i forgot to write that it was not from the episode it was from the promo for that episode...

  17. oh yes, that one. That song hasn't been identified :)

  18. thanks for the stuff you do!

    I second finding the song for the promo for "It's a Wonderful Lie" from season 2, it's driving me mad haha

  19. Love your blog!
    Btw, the song 'The Only Exception'- Paramore on 3x11 is not the full song. Just thought I'd let you know.. x)

  20. Oh sorry about that. I didn't check before I uploaded it. I'll upload a complete one later. :)

  21. musicfromgossipgirl,

    It's Andrew at TVShowMusic, send me an email when you get a chance. I've got a new music player for you. The one you have right now won't be supported in a month. Thanks!

  22. Hey, I just wanted to let all the followers of this blog along with the person who runs it know that I have created my own blog where I will be uploading the music from season 4.


    I hope the owner of this blog doesn't mind since I was inspired by this blog (& I have included links to this blog on my own)

    I hope I get some followers :)
